Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hair problems

I never knew masking tape could do so much damage to a person, physically and mentally.Well we were having fun with masking tape yesterday and we masked off a patch of Qiuhui's 脚毛. Not only did we 伤了她的脚毛, we also 伤了她的心. And she told us today that she really feel like dying when she lost her 脚毛 yesterday. Well I wanna say sorry for her loss of 脚毛, unfortunately I could only sympathise her. I will not be able to feel the same way for my 脚毛 as for my hair.

Well then I realised there's always a boring lesson every day. Today and yesterday was maths with ms zeng (well of course I was daydreaming throughout the lesson, except for the 脚毛风波 xD). For the next 2 days it's gonna be geog with mdm mak, which is equally dull for me. I pretty enjoy suria's lesson, since I have to copy copy copy and copy, and he talks in an extraodinarily fast speed. Hist wasn't that bad as well, although I just woke up before lesson and couldn't quite pay attention. Sorry about that.

Today during cca was exceptionally fulfulling, since i completed 2 of my uncompleted drawings and I managed to finish drawing Sakura's hands. Yay! Other than that cca was boring as usual, except for when eunice attempted to imitate little red riding hood by tying a (large) piece of red cloth behind her. Red, yes; riding, probably; but LITTLE? Definitely not. She's more like magnificent red riding hood or otherwise. It's mean, but the word magnificent just came to my mind the second I noticed her with the red hood. ROAR!

Went home with a bar of chocolate and terrible headache. ARGH
Had leftovers for dinner because my mum was away in Germany. Tomorrow is 端午节, where is my 粽子???

Nini @ 8:13 PM

Monday, May 29, 2006

HEh Heh HeH...

妮妮 : "Mango mango 我要吃芒果!"
Ah [Bu] : "等一下去摘吧。"
妮妮 : "干脆把整棵树砍下来。"
Ah [Bu] : "砍下来就再也长不出芒果了。"
妮妮 : "反正都快要搬了 我得不到的东西别人也别想得到!"
Ah [Bu] : "Haha 真是坏啊"
妮妮 : "Hahahaha..."
Ah [Bu] : "你这样做就像是霸着茅坑不拉屎"
妮妮 : "不一样啦 我这么做是为了满足我的口腹之欲 那么做是吃饱没事做。"

Nini @ 2:37 PM

Too much of something = GOOD?

No of course not, as I've experienced the worst of being greedy. I was a horrible experience. I should have learnt my lesson after I've had those terrible ulcers not long ago. But stupid me still go and stuff myself with food. "(Too much) Food is the root of ulcers and stomachache" says Nini's 1st Law. Man should not be too greedy, it will only bring misfortune to themselves.Man should learn to be content with and treasure what they have now, instead of greedily wanting more. But sadly and unfortunately, I do not understand my own law. I was going to abstain from food for a day so as to cleanse my digestive system and give them a break. Yet I ate a big plate of chicken rice, a can of milo, a Fuij apple and 1 marigold peach-flavoured jelly for lunch. I innocently and happily finished my elaborate lunch, and only after I've finished everything did I remember that i was to eat less today. Pure idiocy. Must have been in my act of greed that I ate my brain.

Nini @ 2:22 PM

Friday, May 26, 2006

New layout!

I've been thinking about it for a long time, thinking whether I should use this layout. This is the 1st layout I've designed and i'm quite happy with how it turns out. Yippee! The html wasn't that satisfactory as I am still not that familiar with image mapping yet (maybe the background will take a longer time to load; I'm so sorry) I wanted to use brighter colours but somehow the original picture (which was taken from DeviantArt) suited deep blue better. I really liked how the blending turned out. I used a waterfall picture as the background originally but somehow it looks like a light is shining on the girl. Opps... It looks nice nevertheless, isn't it?

It's the last day of school! YAY! But I don't feel like it's the holidays. Probably because there're still lessons and cca. Haiz. I feel so tired. I just want to lie on the sofa everyday and sleep and do nothing but there's still so many things to do. So many work; must study! So sick of studying now. For one thing, the holidays will be over before I know it, so I better (try to) enjoy it while I can. *ROAR!*

Nini @ 7:33 PM

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I don't understand why

I just understand why my mum refuses to let me pierce my ears. She says only those indecent people will go pierce their ears and that it's old fashioned. OH PLEASE! she's the one who is old fashioned okay? It's not like i will go punch a hundred holes on my face. What's wrong with piercing my ears? WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER? I can't believe she is so old fashioned. And I was so looking forward to piercing my ears. 我讨厌她用自己一厢情愿的想法来束缚我的生命。 I'm not being stubbon or anything. I just don't understand her. I'm sad and frustrated now, and i can't log in to maple. (smashes keyboard on the floor)

Nini @ 4:25 PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


这是个没什么意义的post. 其实很早以前就想这么写了。这对我来说应该算是一个很特别的一句话吧。就觉得这特别有异议,即使别人会觉得这些事很无聊。但,我是真切地这么觉得的。

在这个世界上, 一定会有一个人,对你来说是特别的存在。

Nini @ 8:30 PM

Monday, May 22, 2006


Ulcers, ulcers, how i hate you so.
Bahh! Now my lips are so white with those disgusting red patches. It must be caused by the excessive indulgence in chocolates and spicy food. I know my mistake. I will not do it again. NEVER!

Argh I don't know what to write. I'm too obssessed over photoshop. Maybe I'll go back to knitting.

Nini @ 8:17 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006


I'm so tired and sleepy now I couldn't think of a suitable title. I didn't update my blog yesterday because I was working on a layout. It took me 2 hours to just do the blending. Luckily I finished the layout by today (both the layout and the html) so now i am feeling very accomplished. The html wasn't as good as I've expected but I suppose it is good enough for a sleepy and tired me. I'm getting more and more addicted to graphics designing and drawing and I've been neglecting my studies recently. I even draw in class during lessons. It's not good. But when I see a piece of blank paper lying on the table I just want to draw on it. It's just so seductive.

I can't open my eyes and I can't type properly anymore. Oyasumi...

Nini @ 11:17 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

HEY 朋友们!

I'm unusually high today. (although it was at the expense of my empty growling stomach) It's really weird because I got caught (very unluckily) by 龙哥 for eating buying food before assembly. The whole thing was kind of a joke or something. But 龙哥 really overeacted to the situation, yelling as if his wife ran away with another guy who digs his nose and is hairy-legged. Oh well we were threatened to give a speech apology after during assembly. I don't see the point of that. I know we were wrong to attempt eat before assembly but we wasn't disturbing anyone life right? So it wasn't such a great responsibility that we should take for our actions except that we didn't thought of the consequence that we would be scolded if we were caught. So overall we were pure UNLUCKY. Anyway I became became very high after that. I haven't been so high for a long time. 龙哥, 谢了!

My eyes are very dry but I'm still very high! Just finished typing sexy geog stuff woohoo!
朋友们, 啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦~~ 谢了!3Q! 3Q!

Nini @ 9:23 PM

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Right now I'm still as pissed as yesterday. Never had I dread so much to go to school ( although I dread going to school everyday). I always feel so pissed when i wake up in the morning. Today was the most irritating day I've had ever lived. Yah well I just passed my SSH and I lost an A1 for HCL. GREAT. I've got same marks for both HCL and English, how insulting is that. And talk about English, the wonderfully hairy-legged JTan said I was not serious for oral. What crap. I was calm when I started reading, and after that she kept on making me repeat the same sentence saying that I was expressionless. She's totally pissing me off. She never fail to make me feel that she is totally unreasonable and irritating and hairy. Well at least she didn't ask me to go to oral remedial. WOW thanks alot!

I've been quite obssessed over designing on photoshop and drawing anime characters. I was quite delightfully surprised when I attempted to draw a picture I thought of by myself and succeeded. I never thought that I would be able to draw without reference. I really enjoyed drawing. I draw in class everyday. It makes me feel calm.

For those who doesn't know how to appreciate my drawings, jolly well shut up and go away.

And I suddenly remembered I forgot to bring home an edusave form I was supposed to let my mum sign and hand in by tomorrow. WOOHOO!

Nini @ 8:24 PM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'm feeling extremely irritated now, so irritated that I don't even want to write the title.
I want to vent my anger out on somebody. Tsk. It's so troublesome to write on my blog everyday.

Nini @ 4:06 PM

Saturday, May 13, 2006

It was DA BOMB!

Short play competition today was a success. Or maybe its should be, at least one of our plays won the 2nd prize. Hooray! I still feel that the play that got the 1st price was not as well as our play but we've lost to them anyway so what right do I have to say anything? Oh well... it's already good enough for both our plays to get into the finals.

Many of my seniors came to the competition to support us and their JCs. Suddenly I feel that it wasn't such a bad thing to join Cldds. After all we did improve alot throughout my 4 years in RV. So for those who still look down on my cca, go wash your eyes with Ma Ma Lemon detergent.

"我没病,我只是想找到和他们沟通的语言。" 她是这么说的。我觉得今天我也面对一样的问题。无论是与我妈,或是朋友,都觉得沟通好困难。是我的问题吗?

Eunice finally brought RG Veda today. Thanks to that I was kept occupied throughout the boring parts of the competition. I managed to finish reading everything. I don't accept the ending because my favourite Kujaku died! It's so sadistic, everyone has to die in the last book and the twist is too extreme for me. RG Veda is the kind of manga like X/1999 that will make you depressed after reading it.


Kujaku (Doesn't he look absolutely gentle? *melts* )

Nini @ 7:04 PM

Friday, May 12, 2006


Been working on a iframes layout since yesterday. I think I'm going crazy trying to fix the html. BAH! It's a very nice layout but I think I shall keep my current layout for a longer time. I like it alot too! But I really wish I can design my own layouts too. I want Adobe Photoshop! I want! I want! I want!

I was really tired and lazy yesterday. Didn't even remove my contacts before I go to sleep. When i woke up this morning (or is it afternoon? ) my eyes were damn dry. Even after I took out my contacts my vision is still blurred. It's so uncomfortable.

Didn't want to go out today. Slept until 12.30pm before I unwillingly dragged myself out of bed. After that I suffered from the harmful side effects of sleeping too much. My head feels so heavy and dizzy and my hands were trembling when I washed my contacts.

Had fish porridge for lunch/breakfast. Actually eating bland food like this once in a while isn't that bad after all.

BOring day it's gonna be... maybe I shall just work on the html. And before that I still have to wash the dishes. BUT! There's short play competition tomorrow! Quite looking forward to it although I don't really want to see Ang geok. Really hope we will do well tomorrow. Jiayou jiayou!

Nini @ 1:33 PM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006




Nini @ 3:46 PM

Monday, May 08, 2006


Yes... so the cold war died down. I did suffer alot. I cried almost for the whole of saturday and sunday, ruined my [mid-year just finished] weekend. Now I finally understand why teenagers want to commit suicide when their parents quarrel everyday. But I won't commit suicide! (although I'm dead for all my 3 sciences and Geog... now I hafta go Mdm Mak's remedial... ) Ah [Bu] still owes me chocolate! This make me a very happy kiwi.

Off-topic :
Just heard this in 933. Chongqing said,"我不是矮,我只是不高。" Then Leng commented:"人家矮得可爱 (talking 'bout me? ),你矮得悲哀。"
Whahahaha! Nice one, Leng.

Back to topic :
I was superr depressed when I got back my exam papers. My Geog and Chem and Bio were all on the brink of failure. And Chem! Chem! CHEM!!! I don't have the face to face Mr Ong anymore... Twas my only hope... *sniff* Luckily I did quite well for E maths paper 1 and English paper 2. I received a lollipop from Ms Zeng! So sweet~ And I got the same score with Bernard. Does that mean I'm of the same intellegence as him? *ROAR!* (not saying that he's stupid lah... but I just a bit bu shuang ) O well, hope I will do better for chinese but I shan't get my hopes too high.

Leng was confronted by Ang Geok today during first break. I saw her with Nicole and almost wanted to go and find her. Heng I didn't or else... She wanted us to give her a parent letter. (yea like I will Haa!) But I should try to avoid her no matter what. (she's 1 big butt whom I can't be bothered with)

Hopefully Eunice remembers to bring RG Veda manga tomorrow. I'm so obsessed with RG Veda after I read the 2nd volume on Friday. CLAMP is just so Pro! Love their mangas! I think I better sms Eunice later just in case she forgets.

Nini @ 5:46 PM