Tuesday, November 30, 2010

a part of me died when it was taken.

and now it's still painful, the way my heart clenches together when i think of it.

what did i ever do to deserve this?

Nini @ 9:50 PM

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Yeye ;_;

no one's got anything on you.

not superman, not santa, not arnold schwarzenegger, not charlie chaplin (wth?), not ricky martin, not armstrong, not dumbledore, not edward cullen, not justin bieber, not dobby.

they ain't got nothing on you, you sexy piece of meat.

Nini @ 7:50 PM

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Potter's ahjussi belly

Harry Potter exceeded my expectations by a mile. Okay make that two. Or three. Or ten.

There were still loopholes aplenty but it's was very much good enough for me.

Notable points from the movie:

- Emma Watson is one gorgeous babe.
- Harry had chest hair and an uncle body. My eyes oh my eyes DDDD:
- The scene of Harry and Hermione dancing was way random and awkward it had me cringing like mad.
- Dobby and Kreacher were blardy cute.
- Wormtail didn't strangle himself I'm disappointed.
- Nagini scared me. Bad bad nagini.
- Voldemort gives off a sluttish vibe. Don't ask me why I don't know.
- Luna's dad was pretty handsome hurhur. Young Grindelwald too xD
- Fred and George were awesome as always. My all time favourite scene was when Fred/George (don't know which, the one who got his ears sliced) walked in and looked at Harry and Ginny kiss and he said.. I forgot what he said but it was damn funny.
- At the end I thought Voldemort was gonna kiss Dumbledore o.o
- Sexy Snape is one hot greasy-haired man. Even with ahjumma hair. Too bad he only appeared for abit at the beginning of the show boohoo.

Makes me wanna reread the book again. And again. And again. And cry my hearts out at the deaths of Dobby and sexgod!Snape.

Nini @ 10:39 PM

Monday, November 15, 2010

things that i do when i am drowning in a pile of mugging

bug leng. bug bug bug. bug gownie the undersea royalty.

i tie and untie my hair. it never stays properly tied up for more than 10 minutes. i fiddle with it. i twirl it around my fingers. my hands need to do something that doesn't require coordination of my eyes; said organ is busy getting drowned. (come to think of it, i would want to run my fingers through yesung's hair anyday)

i seem to be more conscious of little things happening around me. like a mosquito speeding past or birds screaming in pasir ris park. in other words, anything that can distract me from the Mug. i am actually secretly happy to be chasing after a mosquito when it appears.

i eat. chocolates and whatever i can find in the fridge. it's almost as if by keeping my other organs occupied i can relieve the burden upon my eyes.

i have a theory. my increasingly decreasing brain power isn't due to age, but the naughty little thing inside me. as it develops it is taking over more and more of my brain capacity. it's highly affluent now.

and of course, it has always been a battle between me-for-Mug and the insane inner fangirl. i only let it out 15 minutes before i sleep though, cause i know when it comes out it will never go back in until i wake up the next day. (yes it dominates even in my sleep, why else would i have those crazy dreams anyway xD) right now it's purring docilely in my gut. the night is still young.

Nini @ 7:03 PM

and it makes me feel fluffy inside.

sometimes i think, yes, maybe i love you.

Nini @ 7:02 PM

not up to me to regret

Some things are amazing when you never had it.

After you did, it becomes a burden.

Maybe I should be more conscientious in such things, nurture the perfectionist in me.

Nini @ 6:55 PM

Friday, November 12, 2010

RE: Wantlist

i just realised that i have got everything except those earphones.


i wasn't expecting to be getting anything other than the iphone case.

Nini @ 8:48 PM

Monday, November 08, 2010

"what's the point?"

"what's the point?"

"what's the point?"

"what's the point?"

"what's the point?"

"what's the point?"

then why am i still doing it?

what else can i do anyway?

Nini @ 8:37 PM

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Neil Gaiman is ingenious.

Nicholas Was…

Older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.

The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.

Once very year they forced him, sobbing & protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves’ invisible gifts by its bedside. The children slept, frozen into time.

He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher.




Being 99 years old, I totally understand how poor old Nick feels. Totally.

Nini @ 10:47 PM