Monday, February 18, 2008

mealworms and mozzies

i feel happy looking at my new layout. it really makes me feel fresh and inspired.

bio practical was uber fun. apart from the fact that mr lim sang communist songs in class, we got to play with mealworms. basically i dislike insects, but i really don't mind weak and defenceless little creatures like mealworms. and they give a curious sensation when they crawl on my hand.

mealworms are strong living creatures. i say that because even when i dropped it over bench, it fell 80cm, bounced another 60cm and finally landed on the ground, it's still alive. amazing isn't it? although it did looked traumatised and only started twitching after a few moments.

i think i'm increasingly acquinted to some weird creatures of nature these days. lizards, mealworms, and irritatingly, mozzies.

right, off to terminate mozzies now.

[EDIT] had a glorious victory. v^o^v might post about it tomorrow if i'm not too tired after harmoc.. [/EDIT]

Nini @ 5:45 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2008

time for change! tadaa!

a new layout! ooolala!!

actually i finished this design a long time ago during the holidays but i haven't had the time to do the coding. seriously this tables html took me hell lot of time and effort to finish. there were lots of errors on the way but it turned out okay ultimately.

and because i spent the 2 days of my weekend writing the html for this layout i neglected my homework totally. i feel a little bad actually since i had reminded myself over and over again over the past week that i have to finish all undone homework this weekend. well i guess it will have to wait until the next. procrastination is really bad.

well this might really be the one and only layout change of year i suppose since i shouldn't indulge myself in these sort of things anymore. gotta start working hard now.

Nini @ 9:10 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2008

im the terminator

i terminate mozzies, period.

using my faithful green EoM booklet from last year, smacking those naughty little creatures to their graves.

there has been increasing number of mozzies in my study nowadays. everyday i have to spend half to one hour getting rid of at least one before i can study in peace. and oddly enough a new one always pops out the next day. it's like they're a clan of mozzies having a party in my study. they are really crafty too. one flew into my bedroom in the middle of the night yesterday and bit me twice. then when i woke up and attempted to kill it, it retreated back to the study. it was quite a clever move, but i still got rid of it this morning. i'm getting better at it now, and i realise im having better reflexes and sharper eyesight.

i think i should hire a lizard and plant it in my study. bygone doesn't work for nuts. gotta eliminate their whole mozzie clan.

Nini @ 5:15 PM