Tuesday, June 10, 2008

post i shall

finally, and finally harmoc concert is over. somehow amidst feelings of happiness and relief, i'm also a little sad and lost, because it seems like all that's left is mugging. mug mug mug.

perhaps the best thing about harmoc concert is that i get to play on the grand piano, the lovely grand piano. omgosh it just felt absolutely fabulous. the texture and the sound are just heavenly.

i think i should make a new layout soon, prolly before the holidays end. it seems like almost everyone who comes to my blog, they are disturbed by the lizard up there. but if you're looking at it from an artistic point of view, you wouldn't find it as disgusting as it seems to be. it's just an silhouette for goodness sake, and it's terribly hurt by how people judge it. it's just a kind and harmless lizard.

well i'm definitely gonne start mugging soon, but that's only gonna happen after i get over my slight addiction to maple and cure my serious deficiency in fangirling.

auntie dawn should really write again. i'm still waiting for my red underwear (kinda inappropriate to talk about red underwears here...).

Nini @ 2:08 PM