Wednesday, February 25, 2009
for those of you who hasn't, watch MATHMATICIOUS!!!!!!!
with both of my hands on the ground, i beg of you. i'll kowtow to you a million times! m(o.o)m
there is no better way to relieve yourself of the mundane lives that you are living in and enjoy some explicit humour.
so without any hesitation, DO IT NOW! click here!
and watch out for the bizarre 'deng deng deng deng' somewhere in the song. it's bizarre, but i carn stop thinking of it. and admire his dancing. it's something you've never seen before, simply out of this world! he's dancing so stiff yet so awkwardly smoothly, like a jellyfish with rheumatism. and omg to his facial expressions! his singing tone! his rap! it's sensational! YOU MUST WATCH IT TO COMPREHEND!!!
once again, for the ultimate musical experience, click here!
Nini @ 10:40 PM
it's the last week of february and i am still unemployed. feels like i'm rotting off at home all day. today feels exceptionally meaningless. i had wanted to wake up earlier today, but this plan was disrupted by the fact that i had stayed up till 2 yesterday night to salvage my yarn that had been in a state of massive tangling. i had wanted to start knitting the sweet tunic dress today since i had spent OMG1234567@%$@%$@ TEN DOLLARS on the 10mm circular needles required. yet i realised i didnt buy enough black yarn. goodness gracious. now i have to go back to spotlight again to buy black yarn. adult fare is no laughing matter, seriously. spending moneh as an unemployed individual is no joke either. now i carn decide whether i should just stick to the yarns i have now and tweak the colour combination or i should get extra black yarn. somehow i have the feeling that black is an essential colour for the dress. T.T
so rather than waste my time doing nothing at home, i decided to blog something useful instead of my usual rants. thus the person of the day would be *drumrolls*
da cutey pie~
pardon me for the poor quality picture. i took it using my dad's iphone and did the most i could using photoshop to make it look pleasant.
he's my most-adorable-in-teh-world baby cousin. isn't he uber cute? i've never thought i would adore a baby this much but he's just too cuddly to be true! he does the weirdest things in the world but his every action is so loveable that it sends adults crumbling to the ground in happiness. he's a super greedy little thing too. whenever he sees someone's mouth moving he will know that there's food and he'll start making a smacking sound with his mouth, indicating that he wants food too! how adorable~ when we first met him he wouldn't let my dad carry him at all, but he started sticking to my dad after he managed to bribe him with a few grains of rice when we were having dinner. so greedy! but it's good that he eats well, this means he will be able to grow better. THOU SHALL GROW WITH LOTSA FOOD! WHAHAHAHA!!!!
Nini @ 4:17 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
looking for jobs has become a pressing issue at this moment. since everyone seems to be working already but i'm still at home slacking around all day. even playing maple seems to be a sinful affair. but somehow, these jobs just doesn't come to me. i guess having no previous working experience is a huge handicap. i admit i have never imagined looking for a job to be so difficult.
i had wanted to continue with writing my shanghai trip, but the reality of being unemployed is such a tremendous burdon on me that i couldn't focus on anything else at all. i guess i'm becoming a little depressed with the situation i'm in right now.
i was just reading through my previous posts (really previous posts) and i was suddenly inspired to blog in chinese again. i haven't done it in about 2 years i guess, and really want to go back to being the sophisticated me. however, that isn't a easy as it seems, because all that i write simply reflects my mundane life.
Nini @ 4:15 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
i've been pressed to blog about shanghai. and so i shall. i shall just write abit on it, since it's practically hard for me to gather all my thoughts and experiences for those 10 days and collectively record them down in one post.
the first thing i've gotta say is that, shanghai is not the china that most people might imagine it to be; dirty and crowded and backward like the china in most people's minds. especially singaporeans. singaporeans seem to have a much lower opinion about china (and also india) than people in other countries, even than those from the very much developed western countries. this just goes to show how pathetically narrow-sighted and ignorant (and maybe self-centered and obnoxious) they are. shanghai is as developed as it can be, and it's night scenery is absolutely gorgeous. the shopkeepers and taxi drivers are also much more friendly and have better service attitude than those in singapore; at least they look like they enjoy presenting the customers with their services, unlike some terrible shopkeepers who thoroughly look as if they wished you weren't in their shop. they seem almost exhilarated to help (even if they are actually not, but at least try not to show it, and make sure they do a good job to keep the customer happy), and would not give you a look that strongly suggest that you are giving them alot of trouble. and the thing i detest most of some shopkeepers in singapore is that whenever you go into their shop, they will quickly move to your side and stick to you as you walk around their shop, as if there is a high possibility that you might suddenly grab something and run out of the shop. they don't even come with a nice smile and a friendly "may i help you?"; it's just simply ridiculous!.
the airport in shanghai is also as good as changi airport in terms of their facilities, and even much bigger, although it's efficiency is to be improved. the people walking in the streets of shanghai don clothes that is as fashionable as those walking in the streets of tokyo, and there is simply no comparison to the boring tank tops that are seen all around singapore. those people know how to dress well, know how to eat well, and definitely know how to live a good life. doesn't this makes living in singapore sound oh-so-miserable?
well i guess the thing that is very much undesirable in china is it's education system. there is nothing wrong with it's education system basically, just that china is so heavily populated that the competition for university entrance is enough to kill a student (and the parents). but this kind of situation that they grow up in actually enables them to become a more mature person, knowing that it is essential to struggle for a future that they want, instead of taking everything for granted.
another thing that thoroughly irritates me is the advertisements that you see on chinese television. advertising must be so cheap in china that they have the luxury to play each sub-standardly made advertisement at least 5 times consecutively during each advertisement break. it is especially annoying to watch one advertisement that only consists of one line, and listen to that line being repeated over and over again. furthermore, it doesn't help at all that the person saying the line is doing it with a particularly annoying voice.
to be continued.. with pictures hopefully, if i ever photoshop them.
Nini @ 5:12 PM